PAST 2017
NEWS 2017
10.11.2017 World Dog Show Leipzig/ Germany
Forseti's Just My Style-exc.1, CAC!!!!

15.10.2017 Club show Altengbach/ Austria
Forseti´s Lusty Lisa- VV1 at her first show!
Congratulations to her owner Gabriele, kennel Bubbling Spirit!

14.10.2017 NDS Valmiera/ Latvia
Forseti´s Ice Cube- exc.1, CQ, BOO
Congratulations to owners :)

7.-8.10.2017 Club show+ IDS Ceske Budejovice
Saturday / Club show KCHN:
Selfcresteem´s Custom Made Camouflage- exc.1, CAC
Noam Top Model de Rama- exc.1, CAC, BOB, 1.BIS
Selfcresteem´s Camouflaging Love- exc.1, CAC
Sunday/ IDS:
Noam Top Model de Rama- exc.1, CAC
Selfcresteem´s Camouflaging Love- exc.1, CAC

30.9.-1.10.2017 IDS Backa Topola+ NDS Turija/ Serbia
We spent lovely time at serbian shows and our dogs did a great job!
Backa Topola, judge: Tiina Taulos, Finland
Selfcresteem´s Custom Made Camouflage- exc.1, CAC, CACIB
Noam Top Model de Rama- exc.2, res. CAC
Selcresteem´s Camouflaging Love- exc.1, CAC, CACIB, BOS
Talltales From Russia with Love- exc.1, CAC, res. CACIB
Turija, judge: Chris Zeniou, Greece
Selfcresteem´s Custom Made Camouflage- exc.1, CAC= New Serbian champion
Noam Top Model de Rama- exc.2, res. CAC
Selcresteem´s Camouflaging Love- exc.1, CAC= New Serbian champion
Talltales From Russia with Love- exc.1, CAC= New Serbian champion

2.9.2017 Club show IX. group Riga/ Latvia
Ice Cube Forseti´s- BM1, CQ, BOB

5.+6.8.2017 Gotland Viseby/ Sweden
Forseti´s Just My Style aka Candy
1. day- CAC, BOS
2. day- CAC, res. CACIB, 2nd Best female
Congratulations to her owner Eva/ kennel Girls Girls and pro handler Catalina!

5.8.2017 Speciality dog show Brno/ Czech republic
It was very successful day for our kids!
I m very proud of their super results!
Selfcresteem´s Custom Made Camouflage
exc.1,CAC = New Czech Juniorchampion
Selfcresteem´s Camouflaging Love- exc.1, CAC, BOB, 2. BIS
Talltales From Russia with Love- exc.1, CAC
Forseti´s Kiss´N´Tell- exc.2
Selfcresteem´s Custom Made Camouflge+Camouflaging Love- 1st place Best pair!
Thank you to Pavla Habrova for big help with handling!

We´ve visited opthalmologist with Noam Top Model de Rama and Talltales From Russia with Love and they are CERF+ KCS normal!

27.-30.7.2017 4 Summer night dog shows Split/ Croatia
Forseti´s Just my Style took 4x res. CAC with her lovely handler Catalina Gustafsson

16.7.2017 NDS Mlada Boleslav/ Czech repulic
Talltales From Russia with Love- exc.1, CAC
Selfcresteem´s Custom Made Camouflage- exc.2, res. CAC
8.7.2017 Goosnargh Longridge show/ United Kingdom
Forseti´s Jamaican Fizz got Best of Breed!
Congratulations to his lovely owner Carol Ousbey!

2.7.2017 IDS Kaliningrad/ Russia
Forseti´s Ice Cube took exc. 1, CAC, BM1, CACIB and fullfilled conditions for RKF and Russian Champion!

1.7.2017 IDS Trondheim/ Norway
Forseti´s Just My Style- res. CAC, CACIB and 3rd Best female!
Congratulations to her owner Eva/ kennel Girls Girls and thank you for perfect handling Camilla Meyn/ kennel Boys Boys!

26.6.2017 IDS Kolobrzeg/ Poland
Forseti´s Ice Cube- exc.1, CAC, CACIB, BOS and Tomas is a new Champion of Poland!

10.6.2017 Ekeberg Oslo/ Norway
Forseti´s Just My Style- exc.1, Best Junior female, CK, 3 rd best female, res.CAC and res. CACIB
Huge congratulations to her owner Eva, kennel Girls Girls

4.6.2017 Tallin/ Estonia
Forseti´s Ice Cube- exc.1, CQ, BM2, CACIB
Congratulations to Ludmila and Viktorija!

21.5.2017 IDS Litomerice
Selfcresteem´s Custom Made Camouflage- exc. 1, CAJC and Best of Junior!
Talltales From Russia with Love- exc.1, res. CAC

22.4.2017 We have puppies!
Let me introduce our litter "M"
1x HL girl, 2x HL male, 1x PP male

22.-23.4.2017 Special show and IDS Ceske Budejovice
Saturaday Special Show:
Talltales From Russia with Love- exc.1, CAJC and finished Czech Juniorchampion!
Selfcresteem´s Custom Made Camouflage- exc.1, CAJC, BOJ, 2. BIS Junior!!!
Sunday IDS show:
Talltales From Russia with Love- exc.2
Selfcresteem´s Custom Made Camouflage- exc.2

16.4.2017 IDS Prague/ Czech republic
Talltales From Russia with Love- exc.1, CAJC
Selfcresteem´s Custom Made Camouflage- exc.3
Forseti´s Ice Cube- exc.2, res. CAC
It was pleasure meet Tomas and his latvian owners!
14.4.2017 We have puppies!
4x hairless boys and 3x hairless girls
More info in "current litter"
4.-5.2.2017 2X IDS Brno/ Czech republic
Talltales From Russia with Love
Saturday: exc.2/6
Sunday: exc.1, CAJC/ 4
Congratulations to first successful show season with our Candy- owner: Eva Carina Kristiansen/ kennel Girls Girls